A Nap and A Knot

Every day, the drawers of Playstation East must be cleaned, and new puppy pee pads and cloths put in. (If you have somewhere you can get a good deal on puppy pee pads, go for it, they are great for rats. I get packs of 50 for 10 dollars at Big Lots.)

Vasco settles in for a nap in the freshly cleaned and settled left drawer, after a breakfast of baby food, salad and chocolate Boost.
Time to clean the right drawer, which means upsetting the knot of sleepy rats.
Time to clean the right drawer, which means upsetting the knot of sleepy rats.

4 thoughts on “A Nap and A Knot

  1. Hee. I hate to disturb them when they are sleeping, but I always do the left drawer first, as it’s always less populated, so I can move the sleepyheads in the right drawer over, where they go right back to sleep.

  2. Vasco! Please give him gentle pets for me.

    Do you know why the left drawer is less populated? Or why the right drawer is preferred, to put it another way?

  3. I shall do so. No, I really have no idea. The *back* of the left drawer is popular, there’s always a knot sleeping back there, rather than in the drawer itself. Rats, sometimes they are inscrutable.

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